
International Capital Investment Limited   International Press Softcom Limited   Airocean Group Limited
Privatisation   Acquisition of Avantouch   Placement of Convertible Securities to
Interested Person
S$21,900,000   S$4,700,000   S$3,200,000
Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Directors   Independent Financial Adviser   Independent Financial Adviser
to the Independent Directors
2008   2007   2006
Sun Business Network Ltd   China Sun Bio-chem
Technology Group
Company Ltd
  Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd
Divestment of Media Publishing Assets to Interested Person   Feasibility Study on Convertible Securities Issue to Shareholders   The Offering of Shares held in
Jurong Engineering Limited by
Ishikawajima-Harima Industries Co., Ltd
US$78,000,000   S$10,000,000   S$17,000,000
Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Directors   Financial Adviser to the
Board of Directors
  Financial Adviser
2006   2006   2006
Vantage Corporation
  Jurong Engineering
Mandate by shareholders to invest in NASDAQ-listed
Pacific Internet Limited
  Valuation of Core Business    
Financial Adviser   Financial Adviser    
2006   2005    
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